For the academic year 2023/2024 the DPIR offers seven English courses for the international students: 1CEMP, 1CIS, 1CP, 1IPS, 1PCCE, 1PRO and 1UNIE.

KAP/1CEMP - Comparative Ethnic and Minority Politics

The aim of the 1CEMP course is to introduce students to contemporary approaches of addressing ethnic diversity and the agenda of minority rights protection at the national and international level. At the beginning of the course, the concepts of ethnicity, ethnic group, nationality, multiethnic state, ethnic diversity, ethnic conflict and ethnopolitical mobilization will be introduced, reflecting contemporary theoretical concepts dealing with ethnic minorities and multiculturalism. Contemporary policies of multiculturalism and policies aimed at minorities in society will then be presented, followed by the presention of the institutional specificities of political systems related to minority issues. The course will also analyse the reasons for ethno-political mobilisation and outline possible solutions to issues emerging in multiethnic societies. The course will be concluded with a discussion of the role of international organizations in ensuring minority rights in a global perspective.

KAP/1CIS - Contemporary International System

The aim of the 1CIS course is to introduce students to the basic issues of contemporary international politics, such as international cooperation, power politics, and key processes in international politics, all through the lens of the theory and contemporary practice of international relations. Students will understand the history of international relations and developments in specific political regions in the 20th and 21st centuries, with a particular focus on foreign policy and regional relations between great powers and regional powers. A portion of the coursework will be devoted to the role of international and regional institutions in maintaining international security, international economic relations, and trade. Special attention will be given to the role of the United Nations and its related institutions.

KAP/1CP - Comparative Politics

The aim of the 1CP course is to introduce students to the establishment and basic directions of research in politics and the social science discipline of political science. The first part will introduce political science, its subject and its placement in the social sciences. In particular, attention will be paid to the historical roots of the field and the main terms associated with the subject of interest. Subsequently, the main subfields (political thought, comparative political science, institutional research, political geography) will be presented. Based on a systems analysis, the dominant strands of political science study will then be introduced - from the normative strand, political philosophy, theory of democracy and research on non-democratic political systems; from the empirical-analytical strand, forms of government, interest representation and political actors, political parties and party systems, and electoral systems.

KAP/1IPS - International Politics and Security

The aim of the 1IPS course is to introduce students to the issues of international politics, international security and conflict prevention and resolution, both from the perspective of international relations theory and in practical terms. Students will be introduced to the development of international politics in the 20th and 21st centuries with an emphasis on the changes in the security environment in the international system in relation to the existence of conflicts and the efforts of various actors to resolve and effectively prevent them. The first part of the course is devoted to introducing current theoretical approaches to the study of IR, security and conflict. Emphasis is placed not only on understanding the approaches themselves, but also on students' ability to apply the various concepts and approaches to the analysis of political events. Thus, students will become familiar with the different concepts of security (national, international, human, energy and environmental security), the concept of conflict in IR, the causes of conflict and the tools that can be used to resolve or prevent conflict (mediation, negotiation, intervention, sanctions, preventive diplomacy, etc.). The second part of the course will focus on the role and importance of international and regional institutions in the process of ensuring international security and conflict resolution. The specific conflict cycle and the actual conflict resolution will be demonstrated through selected conflicts.

KAP/1PCCE - Politics in Contemporary Central Europe

The 1PCCE course will be focused on politics in the Czech Republic and the countries of Central and Southeastern Europe in the present and recent history. During the course, the students will learn the basic parameters of the undemocratic communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe in the second half of the 20th century. The course will also focus on the process of transition to democracy in Czechoslovakia and other countries in the region. The course includes an analysis of political developments in the studied region in the 1990s, that led to the strengthening of democratic parameters of political systems in the case of some states, but also to armed conflicts in the case of others (former Yugoslavia). The course will also introduce students to Central European politics from the perspective of political theory (ideology, post-communism, civil society).

KAP/1PRO - Final Project

The course is intended exclusively for the foreign students who are on a long-term study internships at FF ZČU. Within the course, students will be provided with the help for the preparation of a graduation thesis (bachelor's, diploma or dissertation) or a large-scale independent project (e.g. research related to the graduation thesis or a professional article). Within the course, the student conducts his/her own research and prepares a research report (in the form of a graduate thesis or a professional article). The student is assigned a supervisor (consultant) for the duration of the internship, with whom the student individually consults the implementation of the research and the preparation of the text, submits to him/her for review parts of the graduate thesis, or partial research outputs. At the end of the internship, the student defends the results of his/her research before the committee.

KAP/1UNIE - European Union Politics

The aim of the 1UNIE course is to introduce students to the institutional structure of the European Union and the processes operating in the exercise of the powers conferred on the European institutions. The course will first introduce the functions and structure of the various central bodies of the European Union that make up the institutional system of the European Union. It will then focus on the major areas of the European agenda - the internal market, economic and monetary union, agricultural policy, cohesion policy, common foreign and security policy and selected other policies. The final part of the course will be devoted to introducing the ways in which Member States participate in EU processes and the Europeanisation of national political systems. The seminars will discuss topics in the development of European integration.